Monday - Thursday: 8 am to 3 pm
Friday: by appointment only
Event Calendar
Sunday May 5th
9:30 am- Worship at Cornerstone Fellowship
10:00 am- Worship at Kingman Christian Church
10:30 am- Worship at Kingman Church of Christ
10:30 am- Worship at Kingman Methodist Church
Monday May 6th
5:15 am- Battle at Trinity Fitness
8:30 am- L.I.F.T at Trinity Fitness
5:15 pm- Adult Beginner sign language at the Kingman Carnegie Library.
5:30 pm- Battle at Trinity Fitness
Tuesday May 7th
5:15 am- Battle at Trinity Fitness
12:15 am- Spin Class at the rec center
5:30 pm- Battle at Trinity Fitness
6:30 pm- Pickleball at the armory. $2 pay to play
Wednesday May 8th
5:15 am- Battle at Trinity Fitness
8:30 am- L.I.F.T at Trinity Fitness
8:30 am- mary Quitlers at Kingman Methodist Church
12:15 am- Spin Class at the rec center
5:30 pm- Battle at Trinity Fitness
5:30 pm- Free dinner at Kingman Methodist Church
Thursday May 9th
5:15 am- Battle at Trinity Fitness
10:00 am- Bible study at Kingman Christian Church
10:00 am- Coffee & convo at Kingman Church of Christ
5:30 pm- Open Gym at Trinity Fitness
Friday May 10th
5:15 am- Battle at Trinity Fitness
8:30 am- L.I.F.T. at Trinity Fitness
7:30 pm- Unsung Hero at the Kingman Historic Theatre. Tickets are $3.
Saturday May 11th
7:00 am- Open gym at Trinity Fitness
8:00 am- Battle at Trinity Fitness
10:00 am- Mothers Day Brunch at Petyt Creek Ranch Barn. Reserve your tickets now.
7:30 pm- Unsung Hero at the Kingman Historic Theatre. tickets are $3.